Team, Visitors, External Collaborators
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Highlights of the Year
New Software and Platforms
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Section: New Software and Platforms


System for Image-Based Rendering

Keyword: Graphics

Scientific Description: Core functionality to support Image-Based Rendering research. The core provides basic support for camera calibration, multi-view stereo meshes and basic image-based rendering functionality. Separate dependent repositories interface with the core for each research project. This library is an evolution of the previous SIBR software, but now is much more modular.

We plan to release the core module, as well as the code for several of our research papers, as well as papers from other authors for comparisons and benchmark purposes.

Functional Description: sibr-core is a framework containing libraries and tools used internally for research projects based on Image-Base Rendering. It includes both preprocessing tools (computing data used for rendering) and rendering utilities and serves as the basis for many research projects in the group.